Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
Craig Quarmby
MBChB(Hons), FCS(SA) Plast, FRACS
Craig Quarmby is an Australian qualified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon based in Hobart, Tasmania. He graduated MBChB with Honours from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and underwent his specialist training at Groote Schuur and Red Cross Children's War Memorial Hospitals achieving his FCS(SA) Plast specialist qualification in 2000. Craig moved to Perth in 2001 and completed a 15 month Fellowship in Burns Surgery with renowned Burns Surgeon, Professor Fiona Wood, prior to moving to Hobart in 2002 to take up a Consultant role at the Royal Hobart Hospital, shortly thereafter gaining his FRACS.
Since arriving in Hobart in 2002 Craig has held numerous senior roles at the Royal Hobart Hospital including Director of the Tasmanian Burns Unit, Clinical Director of Surgical Services, and Executive Clinical Director. Craig is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Tasmania and was previously Co-Director of Health Services Innovation Tasmania, a university-led, statewide clinical redesign program. Craig is a long time Instructor and Course Director of the Emergency Management of Severe Burns course, volunteering his time internationally under the auspices of Interplast and the Australian and New Zealand Burns Association.